RSU1 Goes to MAINEducation!
We are delighted to share with you that teachers, ed-techs, nurses, librarians, administrators, and other members of the RSU1 community will be attending the annual ACTEM MAINEducation Conference in Augusta, October 12th, 2012.
MAINEducation is a gathering of education and technology professionals from across the state, along with some guests from other parts of the country. The main conference day begins with a keynote, which is then followed by five breakout sessions over the course of the day. These sessions are provided by teachers, librarians and other school staff, educational consultants, vendors, and administrators who believe that they have examples of technology and education working together to help students learn, which they wish to share with you.
This is the 25th Anniversary of the MAINEducation Conference, which has grown tremendously over the years. There will be a 25th year anniversary “museum” depicting ACTEM over the years, which is sure to be interesting and fun.
RSU1 will be providing bus transportation to and from the Augusta Civic Center. Details are still being worked out, but buses will be leaving for Augusta at approximately 7:00am and will return at approximately 4:30pm.
RSU1 will have our own arrival and registration area on the North side of the Augusta Civic Center. There is a parking lot in that area which will be reserved for us, and our own entry doors. If you are driving on your own, please park in that North parking lot and enter through those doors.
Lunch is being provided for all attendees. A survey was sent out asking for attendees to select their food preferences. If an attendee did not have an opportunity to respond before the survey closed, the Sit Down Buffet option was assigned.
All RSU1 attendees have been registered. Please do NOT go to the ACTEM web page to register through the public registration system. You are already set to go! Our name badges are being printed, and will be shipped to schools soon. Actual sessions are first come, first served, so all you need to do is browse through the conference program to select what you would like to see. Be sure to get to your sessions early as the rooms do fill up quickly for the most popular topics.
Gifts and eRate
The question of whether or not you can or should accept vendor giveaways and gifts at conventions essentially boils down to this….we receive eRate reimbursement for phone lines, for data transmission, and for web page hosting. If you believe that you are in a position to influence a decision concerning contract awards in those areas, then you should not accept gifts from potential bidders.
ACTEM Membership
Your registration does not include membership in ACTEM, but they would really appreciate your participation in the organization. ACTEM is comprised of education and technology professional froms across the state who share ideas and best practices. You not only receive the ACTEM newsletter as a member, but also become eligible for professional development reimbursement, and discounted software pricing on select packages. Membership is $20 per year.
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