Archive for the ‘Middle’ Category

Building Empathic Design Through Rigorous Science
With the end of SXSW Edu, I was most fortunate to have encountered both an amazing piece of technology, paired with a designer who whisks one away with his incredible dedication and commitment to improving classroom instruction and student learning. I had the distinct pleasure of attending a session named “We’re doing gamification wrong: Kids […]

So, what am I supposed to do now?: Mixed Messages on How to Combat Fake News
Wednesday was a confusing day in regards to media literacy. This is not necessarily a bad confusion. It’s more of a cognitive dissonance which one of my professors in teaching school told me was exactly the state of mind in which the best learning occurs. Danah Boyd’s keynote address, “What Hath We Wrought?” was about […]

Raspberry Pi: Texas considers Mac-and-Cheese a vegetable
What a week! SXSWedu has expanded my horizons through thoughtful discourse with colleagues, inspirational keynote speakers, and new technologies for the classroom. Not only did the conference encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and perform a rap with professional artists, but also provided strategies on how to incorporate hands-on learning, improv, and […]

5 Easy, Engaging and Effective Classroom Protocols
CUE Crafted Protocols Several California Teacher’s presented 5 Useful Classroom Protocols: The website includes these protocols and and other related materials Iron Chef EduProtocol Teams of students spend 10 minutes creating 4-slide, two minute slideshows. Keys: Quick, Formative, Builds and routinizes research, creation and presentation skills Iron Chef Protocol Description for Teachers Iron Chef Slides […]

Hip-Hop in the Science Classroom (not just for science
A creative and relevant approach to Project Based Learning in the classroom through Hip hop culture. Students build an inclusive community, make connections, create a usable public product with high stakes and ownership. This tactic incorporates the “Love for student culture + Respect their genius = collective effervescence.” Tom McFadden teaches 8th grade science in California Examples of student work Get […]

Self Navigating Technology Resources for Students and Teachers Alike
Founded in 1996, the Tiger Woods Foundation (TGR Foundation) champions breakthrough transformations and equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in school and beyond. “We have humble beginnings and a universal vision: giving students in need the right resources for lifelong success in school, their communities and the working world. We don’t […]

Introducing students to the world without a passport, yes indeed!
What a luxury it would be to reach out across the globe and interact with a matched class, all while collaborating via video conferencing. Well, an initiative of The Kind Foundation, has launched an early stage tool that will allow teachers and their students, the ability to use seamless video conferencing technology, all at […]

Cyber-Bullying and Explain Everything
The first session I attended today was all about bullying, with an emphasis on cyber-bullying. It was nice to refresh some knowledge on bullying, including what does and what does not qualify as bullying. We talked about the types of bullying, the types of bullies, and the types of victims. I also found it very […]
“Becoming Close Readers of Complex Text EL Institute”
Back in November, I went to “Becoming Close Readers of Complex Text EL Institute” in Atlanta, Georgia. The purpose of this institute was to model “Close Reading,” explain why it is important and demonstrate how to select appropriate complex texts for specific purposes. Close reading is when many different strategies are used to understand chunks […]