Archive for the ‘SXSWedu’ Category

Building Empathic Design Through Rigorous Science
With the end of SXSW Edu, I was most fortunate to have encountered both an amazing piece of technology, paired with a designer who whisks one away with his incredible dedication and commitment to improving classroom instruction and student learning. I had the distinct pleasure of attending a session named “We’re doing gamification wrong: Kids […]

Think Globally, Act Locally! Discover & Implement
MAR 8, 2018 | 10:00AM – 12:00PM ( Lasse Leponiemi – Head of Operations, Partner (HundrED) Jessica Spencer-Keyse – Head of Global Research (HundrED) Summary: The HundrED is a non-profit database of innovative education ideas. The innovations spread across a number of topics in an attempt to allow our ideas cross political boundaries and into […]

Combat Bias, Interrupt Privilege, Include All
MAR 7, 2018 | 11:00AM – 1:00PM Jillian Bontke, Anti-Defamation League @jbontke, Dr. Rachelle Warren, Anti-Defamation League – North Texas/Oklahoma @rlwarren7, Summary The “Combat Bias, Interrupt Privilege, Include All” workshop was focused on creating a safe space for dialogue about how to acknowledge bias and address how impacts our participation in community and […]

Pandora’s Headset: The Ethics of VR in Education
This session was easily the most uncomfortable session I’ve ever attended at a conference, for a variety of reasons (the primary one has already been covered by Cree in his blog post). That said, it came around for me by the end and I left with some new perspectives on VR and AR in education. […]

Word of the Day: Pinsamt
There’s a word in Swedish that means ‘collective embarrassment.’ You know what I’m talking about: your parents crash your slumber party in the 8th grade with a new board game; your buddy overshares around the BBQ and everyone looks away. If it’s cringe-worthy, chances are it’s pinsamt. SXSW Edu might seem like an unlikely venue […]

So, what am I supposed to do now?: Mixed Messages on How to Combat Fake News
Wednesday was a confusing day in regards to media literacy. This is not necessarily a bad confusion. It’s more of a cognitive dissonance which one of my professors in teaching school told me was exactly the state of mind in which the best learning occurs. Danah Boyd’s keynote address, “What Hath We Wrought?” was about […]

Raspberry Pi: Texas considers Mac-and-Cheese a vegetable
What a week! SXSWedu has expanded my horizons through thoughtful discourse with colleagues, inspirational keynote speakers, and new technologies for the classroom. Not only did the conference encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and perform a rap with professional artists, but also provided strategies on how to incorporate hands-on learning, improv, and […]

5 Easy, Engaging and Effective Classroom Protocols
CUE Crafted Protocols Several California Teacher’s presented 5 Useful Classroom Protocols: The website includes these protocols and and other related materials Iron Chef EduProtocol Teams of students spend 10 minutes creating 4-slide, two minute slideshows. Keys: Quick, Formative, Builds and routinizes research, creation and presentation skills Iron Chef Protocol Description for Teachers Iron Chef Slides […]