I have been so impressed with the quality of the sessions I’ve attended at TCEA! Some of the highlights for me so far are:
Groovy Graphics in the Classroom with Lisa Johnson:
This was an excellent session about ways to use graphics and comics in the classroom. I have all sorts of ideas about easy ways to get younger kids writing and creating with graphic apps and websites. Some of the resources that Lisa shared were:
- Canva (warning: addicting)
- Tellegami
- ThingLink
- Lots of apps:
- Nearpod: https://itunes.apple.
com/us/app/nearpod/ id523540409?mt=8 - Captions: https://itunes.
apple.com/us/app/captions/ id328220933?mt=8 - Pic Collage: https://itunes.apple.
com/us/app/pic-collage/ id448639966?mt=8 - Make Beliefs Comics: https://itunes.apple.
com/us/app/make-beliefs-comix/ id795026580?mt=8 - My Playhome Lite: https://itunes.apple.
com/us/app/my-playhome-lite/ id451155849?mt=8 - FriendStrip Kids Pro: https://itunes.apple.com/
us/app/friendstrip-kids-pro/ id687451368?mt=8 - Story Me: https://itunes.apple.com/
us/app/story-me-collage-comic- strip/id688810927?mt=8 - Croak.it: https://itunes.
apple.com/us/app/croak.it!/ id525958948?mt=8 - Bubli: https://itunes.apple.
com/us/app/bubbli/id720480745? mt=8 - Quizlet: https://itunes.apple.
com/us/app/quizlet/ id546473125?mt=8 - Morfo: https://itunes.apple.
com/us/app/morfo/id418900007? mt=8 - Tellagami: https://itunes.
apple.com/us/app/tellagami/ id572737805?mt=8 - Snapguide: https://itunes.
apple.com/us/app/snapguide/ id421477397?mt=8 - Flowboard: https://itunes.
apple.com/app/flowboard-touch- publishing/id630717527?mt=8 - ScrapPad: : https://itunes.apple.
com/us/app/scrappad-scrapbook- for-ipad/id353143273?mt=8
Obviously, I need more time to explore all of these sites and apps, but the session left me inspired to try them out with my students.
Is Your Passport Ready? with Naomi Thompson:
One of my passions/obsessions is connecting my rural students with the bigger world around them. This was a fun session that gave me some new ideas about how to do that. In RSU1 I’ve taken kids on many virtual field trips, but this session was more about digital field trips, which are not necessarily as dynamic as virtual field trips, but I think that they might ultimately be more flexible for teachers and students.
5 Minutes of Creativity with Brad Fountain:
Given the opportunity, I always try to go to conference sessions on creativity because it’s easy to get overly focused on outcomes, rigor, etc. Fountain was a dynamic presenter who started off by asking us these questions:
What does creativity feel and look like?
How do we define it?
How can we embed it in all grades/subjects?
Do we need to measure it? How?
Are there situations where creativity isn’t required?
Then he shared some quick and easy ways to embed creativity into any lesson or day. My favorite example was PechaFlickr which I can’t wait to try with both students and adults.
This is just a small slice of what I’ve been experiencing at TCEA. It has been a great week so far, and I’m excited to see what the next few days bring.
- Nearpod: https://itunes.apple.
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