Media Literacy: Do we teach this, or do we teach and model empathy?
The answer may be all of the above. Danah Boyd was our keynote speaker today. A very smart woman with a load of insight into media literacy, which was mostly terrifying (mild exaggeration). It was too much to summarize in a blog post, or maybe it’s just that I’m still processing. When her talk is […]

Building edu apps with Google Classroom, Blockly, and Poly.
The G-Suite is the gift that keeps on giving. This fast paced session offered a quick overview of progress being made to make Classroom even better (compatible G.Classroom apps), as well as coding offered via Blockly and augmented reality in Poly. While understanding that many of you either know these or may be overwhelmed by them, it […]

Michael Sorrell and/or Betsy DeVos?
We started the day with our keynote address by Paul Quinn College president, Michael Sorrell. An inspiring man with good messages and quotes. Although his journey and task may differ from ours in a variety of ways, the journey and intention for his students matches…or should. The Atlantic published an article about him, which is well worth […]

21st Century Districts
21st Century District: The “Portrait of a Graduate” was laid out clearly, or the manner in which a district portrays a ready and willing graduate was clear. EdLeader21 presented an interesting, cohesive approach for a district (admin, staff, students, and community) to determine their Portrait of a Graduate. I would recommend everyone (admin, staff, students, and community) to create […]

The Other PBL
Enhancing Creativity with PBL: Project Based Learning recaptured to align with proficiency and the 4Cs. We looked at cultural competencies, pedagogy, and the role of teachers. All the links are helpful with great visuals to guide both planning and evaluating PBLs. Another take away from the session was the reminder of a single column rubrics, which benefit teachers and students. Planning is […]

Elementary: Technology Centers
Nancye Blair Black presented a fairly basic idea of using centers that many of us have or do practice. However, she integrates technology. Her site below offers various resources at upper and lower elementary levels. It’s well worth looking at, and I’d be happy to answers questions based I what I learned. http://www.engagingeducation.net/wordpress/resources/k-5-tech-centers/
FETC: Adobe Apps with Kathy Shrock
I attended a session with Kathy Shrock in hopes to walk away with great app ideas to help with integration across the curriculum. The workshop offered an assortment, which included a few useful and others more for the aesthetics in presenting. Since we all have different ideas and intentions, I’ll list most of them with […]
TCEA Session: QR Codes for Audio Assessment
I attended a session today that was using QR codes as a method of allowing students to use an audio recording of a test rather than needing a teacher to read to them. This idea of QR codes with audio can be applied to all subjects at every level. An Art teacher might use this […]