Archive for the ‘Elementary’ Category
Building Empathic Design Through Rigorous Science
With the end of SXSW Edu, I was most fortunate to have encountered both an amazing piece of technology, paired with a designer who whisks one away with his incredible dedication and commitment to improving classroom instruction and student learning. I had the distinct pleasure of attending a session named “We’re doing gamification wrong: Kids […]
5 Easy, Engaging and Effective Classroom Protocols
CUE Crafted Protocols Several California Teacher’s presented 5 Useful Classroom Protocols: The website includes these protocols and and other related materials Iron Chef EduProtocol Teams of students spend 10 minutes creating 4-slide, two minute slideshows. Keys: Quick, Formative, Builds and routinizes research, creation and presentation skills Iron Chef Protocol Description for Teachers Iron Chef Slides […]
Telling time now comes in colorful and user-friendly formats
In this world of cutting edge technology, there can often be times where technology surpasses the hands on instruction needed, to not only introduce, but reinforce skills necessary for lifetime success. At the great big world of SXSWedu, I found an incredible piece of technology that fits so well into the curriculum of elementary education. […]
What Do Early Childhood Teachers Want From Tech?
This was a panel discussion with the founder and CEO of, Charles Best, and three early elementary teachers who won the DonorsChoose innovation challenge. Best surveyed over 300 early elementary ed teachers and found that 90% of them wanted to be using more tech in their classrooms, and 60% wanted to find ways to […]
Introducing students to the world without a passport, yes indeed!
What a luxury it would be to reach out across the globe and interact with a matched class, all while collaborating via video conferencing. Well, an initiative of The Kind Foundation, has launched an early stage tool that will allow teachers and their students, the ability to use seamless video conferencing technology, all at […]
Elementary: Technology Centers
Nancye Blair Black presented a fairly basic idea of using centers that many of us have or do practice. However, she integrates technology. Her site below offers various resources at upper and lower elementary levels. It’s well worth looking at, and I’d be happy to answers questions based I what I learned.
2015 National Teacher of the Year, Shanna Peeples
Please follow the link below to the article. 2015 National Teacher of the Year, Shanna Peeples
American Association of School Librarians National Conference
Last week I attended the American Association of School Librarians National Conference in Hartford, CT. It was amazing to be surrounded by so many librarians and to have the opportunity to hear some of my favorite authors speak. While the primary focus of the conference was on the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, […]
Leveraging Learning: ipads in Primary Grades
What looks like a game, sounds like a game, feels like a game but isn’t a game? Skoolbo! The creator of this app, who presented at LL2013 in Auburn this week, had me hooked from the get-go. He drew from game theory in designing this adventurous romp through core skills in numeracy and literacy, and […]
Maine Curriculum Leaders Association Fall Conference: Next Generation Science Standards
I recently attended a 2 day fall conference run by the MCLA. The focus was, “Engaging all students with the Next Generation Science Standards.” The conference presenter was Brett Moulding a writer of both the Framework and NGSS standards themselves and referred to by many as the guru on NGSS. He is currently the director […]