Archive for the ‘Content Area’ Category
Content Area sub categories : Art, English, Math, Music, Physical Education, Science and Social Studies

Raspberry Pi: Texas considers Mac-and-Cheese a vegetable
What a week! SXSWedu has expanded my horizons through thoughtful discourse with colleagues, inspirational keynote speakers, and new technologies for the classroom. Not only did the conference encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and perform a rap with professional artists, but also provided strategies on how to incorporate hands-on learning, improv, and […]
Flipping the Math Classroom
I attended a session today at TCEA on Flipping the HS math classroom. The presenter was from a school in Western Texas and like BMS’s students, all of her students have a laptops. By using the laptops, google forms and other software, she was able to flip her classroom. Her student’s used their time at […]
“Becoming Close Readers of Complex Text EL Institute”
Back in November, I went to “Becoming Close Readers of Complex Text EL Institute” in Atlanta, Georgia. The purpose of this institute was to model “Close Reading,” explain why it is important and demonstrate how to select appropriate complex texts for specific purposes. Close reading is when many different strategies are used to understand chunks […]
MAHPERD conference- Phys. Ed.
I attended the MAHPERD conference in November. This conference covers topics in health, pays. ed. recreation and dance. This year I went to to sessions concerning the use of technology in the PE class. They were helpful, offered tips on video-taping in the class, helpful apps to use and how to create QR codes for […]
Susan Cyr Reports on Karen Medley General Music Workshop
Susan Cyr attended the Karen Medley General Music Workshop in October, 2013. “This conference (“The Journey Is the Destination”), presented by music teacher Karen Medley, was full of great ideas. Creativity with movement, dramatization and play were combined with music making to teach elements of music in a most enjoyable way. Based of Carl Orff’s Schulwerk […]
Maine Curriculum Leaders Association Fall Conference: Next Generation Science Standards
I recently attended a 2 day fall conference run by the MCLA. The focus was, “Engaging all students with the Next Generation Science Standards.” The conference presenter was Brett Moulding a writer of both the Framework and NGSS standards themselves and referred to by many as the guru on NGSS. He is currently the director […]

Algebra One with Jason Libby, “I kept at it…”
Judy Harvey and I recently visited with Jason Libby’s Algebra class at Woolwich Central School. We had heard that Jason’s classes were enjoying success with the new Pearson Algebra One eText licenses that the district purchased, and that Jason was supplementing the eText with other resources such as Khan Academy. This seemed like a good […]