Archive for the ‘Learning’ Category
How I AM Going to Implement What I Learned at Leveraging Learning
“This past week, along with 4 other RSU #1 teachers, I attended the Leveraging Learning iPad Institute in Auburn, Maine. All three days were chalked full of information regarding the shift in thinking and teaching that needs to take place in elementary classrooms. Auburn has gone 1-1 with iPads for K-2. We all know, in order to […]
EL National Conference – October 23 to October 26
Jason Meserve October 22-26 E.L. National Conference Atlanta, Georgia What concepts and ideas did I find most interesting? Day 1: Full day Science slice. It was reinvigorating to go through the process of learning an expedition from the perspective of the student. It has been quite a while since I wasn’t doing one as a […]
School Age Stuttering Therapy: What we need, have in toolbox and IEPs.
Maine Speech Language Hearing Association, Fall Conference 2013 Presenter: Nina Reeves, CCC-SLP First Day Attended by Gail Aseltine, Kitty O’Neill and Eileen Watson. Day Two attended by Kitty O’Neill and Eileen Watson. This workshop provided us with a framework for understanding the complexity of stuttering, the tools to work with this population of kids, ways […]
Maine Curriculum Leaders Association Fall Conference: Next Generation Science Standards
I recently attended a 2 day fall conference run by the MCLA. The focus was, “Engaging all students with the Next Generation Science Standards.” The conference presenter was Brett Moulding a writer of both the Framework and NGSS standards themselves and referred to by many as the guru on NGSS. He is currently the director […]
ACTEM 2013
Last Friday I attended the ACTEM Maineducation conference in Augusta. I look forward to this conference every year and always come away inspired and rejuvenated. This year the conference felt especially relevant as I eagerly await the arrival of student iPads at the elementary schools. ACTEM organizers always seem to do an amazing job choosing […]
Effective Teaching/ Effective Learning with Debra Pickering (Amber Snell)
The big ideas from this conference were ways to engage students, provide rigor, set specific learning targets, and give effective feedback. Wow, that’s a lot! She advised teachers to use humor and games to engage students and practice skills at the same time. We also had a great conversation about professionalism and collegiality versus congeniality. […]
Expeditionary Learning National Conference
Take Aways from National Conference Baltimore 2013 Ida Beal Southwest Baltimore Charter School Intensives- interventions all students are involved in at the same time and students are either being extended or having an intervention. 40 mins long Monday – Thursday. Students change 3 times a year. Students use NWEA data to set goals and graph […]
Expeditionary Learning Site Seminar at King Middle School
On May 9th and 10th I attended a KING MIDDLE SCHOOL SITE SEMINAR along with 60 educators from Maine and as far away as Colorado, We started the day with KIng Middle School students leading us in STUDENT LED INIATIVES (CREW/ADVISOR ACTIVITIES), tours of King Middle by 8th graders and attending King’s Celebration of Learning […]
TechForum Boston
On Friday I traveled down to Newton, MA. to attend TechForum Boston. In exchange for co-facilitating a roundtable discussion entitled “The Library/Media Specialist’s Perspective on Critical Thinking, Web 2.0 Tools and More” I was given free admission to the conference. It turned out to be an excellent deal! My favorite session of the day was […]
![Thumbnail : iPads…forget what you, “know”](
iPads…forget what you, “know”
Today I attended the Apple Learning Tour led by Jim Moulton and Tara Maker, and the most surprising statement of the day was probably this… “One challenge of moving to iPads is shifting people to realize that it is not a small laptop. It’s a completely different tool. Forget what you know and approach iPads […]