Woolwich Brightlink 455 Training
Last Thursday the staff at Woolwich volunteered most of a beautiful sunny day to learn more about the Epson Brightlink interactive projectors that are mounted in classrooms. The representative from ProAV demonstrated how to connect devices to the boards, and how to use the interactive tools and pointer. As part of the follow up, the […]
Welcome to the RSU1 PD Blog!
Welcome to the RSU1 Professional Development blog. If you are attending a conference or other professional development session, please take a few minutes to share your experience. Tell us about new resources, or new applications for old resources. Tell us about the ways in which you think these skills you are developing will be of […]
Sleep. It goes without saying that we are all better with it rather than without. We all have our own different tolerances when it comes to lack of sleep, but the manifestations of sleep deprivation are often similar: irritability, lethargy, or struggling to focus on even the most mundane tasks. However, […]

Look What We Got!
We received a grant from Berlin City Auto Group. The 600 dollars will allow us to purchase an interactive whiteboard called a Now! Board. The interactive whiteboard brings lessons to life by allowing students and teachers to touch projected objects, move them around, draw on projected images , etc. Thank you Berlin City!
Learning target Session outcomes: by the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of how learning environments need to change in order to better prepare students for tomorrow’s world. Bill Ferriter is a 6th grade teacher in North Carolina who was invited to present at the conference. Bill teaches English Language Arts […]
Learning and the Brain, initial thoughts…
Learning & the Brain In the first two days of this conference there are a few themes that are recurring, and that I think are of immediate interest to many of us. The first is about the debate that goes back and forth concerning multitasking; can it be done, are kids doing it, what are […]
We All Need Time
Sometimes the most valuable thing you can do is step away from the hustle of daily work. The constant flow of tasks demanding your attention right now, just this minute keep you from having the chance to step away and consider the big picture. For a lot of us, the Tech Forum in Burlington was […]

Tech learning forum in Burlington
Here are a couple of our team at the Tech Learning Forum in Burlington.

DNS second grade team blogs!
Here are members of the second grade team at Dike Newell School helpin one another to use Blogger.

RSU1 storytellers
Here are the intrepid RSU1 storytellers out for a morning walk at the Whaleback Middens. We are planning the storytelling festival for March.