Think Globally, Act Locally! Discover & Implement
MAR 8, 2018 | 10:00AM – 12:00PM (https://hundred.org/en) Lasse Leponiemi – Head of Operations, Partner (HundrED) lasse@hundred.org Jessica Spencer-Keyse – Head of Global Research (HundrED) jessica@hundred.org Summary: The HundrED is a non-profit database of innovative education ideas. The innovations spread across a number of topics in an attempt to allow our ideas cross political boundaries and into […]

Combat Bias, Interrupt Privilege, Include All
MAR 7, 2018 | 11:00AM – 1:00PM Jillian Bontke, Anti-Defamation League @jbontke, jbontke@adl.org Dr. Rachelle Warren, Anti-Defamation League – North Texas/Oklahoma @rlwarren7, rwarren@adl.org Summary The “Combat Bias, Interrupt Privilege, Include All” workshop was focused on creating a safe space for dialogue about how to acknowledge bias and address how impacts our participation in community and […]

Designing Lessons: Tips from Improv & Engineering
MAR 6, 2018 | 11:00AM – 1:00PM Amar Dev ImprovPD Rachel Fahrig @rfahrig Education Consultant Pius Wong @piuswong Engineer & STEM Instructor Pios Labs Activator Question Descriptive activity – with pictures Planting daffodils Nacirema activity American spelled backwards When Designing Lessons Engagement of Students Creating Community – Culture of Learning Real Life Application Rigor Not […]

Rigorous Whimsy: Understanding through Creativity with Amy Burvall and Dan Ryder
Monday, March 5: 1:30p-3:30p Amy Burvall @amyburvall Dan Ryder @wickeddecent As I entered the conference room in which Rigorous Whimsy took place, I was already challenged to engage a different part of my brain to answer a simple question: What is your philosophy of teaching/learning? How might we usually be asked to do this you ask? […]