Archive for the ‘Learning’ Category

Tips to Transform Teaching with Technology
Consider how we use technology in the classroom. Does it provide a substitution such as taking notes online rather than taking notes on paper? Or does it create new possibilities, such as creating a classroom set of notes where all students collaborate and have access to the insights of each other in an efficient, transformed […]

Current Thinking on Bullying and Cyberbullying
“Current Thinking on Bullying and Cyberbullying” presented by Susan Brooks-Young and Dan Morris provided an overview of bullying behavior and how educators can take steps to change school culture in which bullying is prevalent. Special attention was given to cyberbullying, which is an increasing issue in schools today. Of particular interest to me was research […]

Powerful Technology Centers
Powerful Technology Centers I attended a session on implementing technology centers in elementary classrooms. Technology centers are a way to provide students access to a computer/device in non-1-1 environments. Below are some examples of Independent Learning Centers: Discovery Activities: These activities draw upon Problem/Question Based Learning, where the student does not know the answer […]
iPad Accessibility Features and Apps: UDL and Technology
Emily Powers and I went to the Technology session iPad Accessibility Features and Apps: UDL and Technology with Judy Peacock and Tony Dutra. This session was an update about the UDL (Universal Design of Learning) model. A little background information was given at the beginning of the session. A group of educators examined general education […]

App Smash Up: Creating Projects with Multiple Apps
App Smashing Blog Post I attended App Smash Up! Unlocking Student Learning with Innovative Projects. What is App Smashing? It is combining more than one app to produce a creative project. The presenters insisted there is no one app that will be the ideal presenting app and students often enjoy using multiple apps to create […]
Coding and Adobe
In my first session, I learned how to do some basic coding using a program called Alice. It is a free program, which is always nice. It is very user-friendly, and I could see that even elementary students would be able to use it. The program features drag-and-drop coding that allows users to use pre-created […]

Tech Non-Negotiables at FETC
This session began with a high level overview of the ways that young people of today are different than were the young people of previous generations. Specifically, how young students adapt and embrace new technologies more readily than previous generations because technology is so pervasive. The discussion swirled around the ease of access to information we […]

Powerful Portfolios With Google Sites
I attended “Powerful Portfolios With Google Sites” presented by Pamela Aulakh and Tom Daccord. The presenters noted that portfolios can be used with a wide variety of students to provide evidence of content mastery. Portfolios provide myriad opportunities for creative expression — students can upload animations, slideshows, podcasts, videos, audio, etc. in order to reflect […]

Making Learning Visual Through Coding
This morning I attended Kyle Christian Steele’s “Learn to Code: Scratch Program” where he explained the basics of coding and demonstrated how coding can be applied to many classroom concepts. Steele defines coding as “step by step instructions that tell a computer what to do,” and advocates students practice critical thinking, collaboration, visualization and perseverance […]
2015 National Teacher of the Year, Shanna Peeples
Please follow the link below to the article. 2015 National Teacher of the Year, Shanna Peeples